Monday, November 5, 2007

no hustle, no bustle

After sleeping in this morning and reading for a while (Dan Brown's Angels and Demons) I decided to take some pictures. Jon decided to go find some nature and I was gonna go into town and take pictures, before it got snowy. About 15 minutes later, the sky cleared up and I decided to go find some nature myself. I had read that to the North-West, the city ends abruptly, so I decided to check it out myself.

I ended up at the end of the tram line and found a park. I was stunned at how quickly I felt like I was the only person for miles. I hiked around for around 2 hours until the sun started getting close to setting. I would have liked to stay on the hill, but didn't want to hike back down and then back up to the road in the dark.

Not knowing how late I would be out, or where I would end up, I brought a lunch with me. The rocks in the sun at the top of the hill were a great place to rest and eat. These are some of my favorite pictures from today. Unfotunately, none of them really capture what it was like up there.

To give you an idea, here's the first picture I took, before I headed down to the valley and up the hill. Circled in red is the tree that I'm sitting by in the last picture.

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