Monday, October 1, 2007


Well, nothing too exciting has happened recently. We've been resting and relaxing this weekend, preparing for classes to start. I thought I'd take this time to mention what we've been doing for food, since it seems to be a popular subject. Going to dinner at some of the finer places near the town square is certainly fun, but can get a little bit expensive. We've learned that things seem to get progressively cheaper as you leave the center of the town. If we're not stopping at a small cafe or bakery for a sandwhich, we'll drop by the supermarket (Billa) and get some sausages or chicken with vegetables. We eat a lot of peppers and onions, cooked in our IKEA Wok (175 crowns = around $9).

Occasionally, we'll go get traditional Czech food. Beef gulash seems to be a staple of the Czech diet. In addition to being on every menu, it's usually a safe bet. You order the gulash and you know you'll get a plate with beef stew and some dumplings. There are, of course, other options, we just haven't tried many of them yet.

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