Saturday, September 29, 2007

skoda, castle and medieval pub

Today was a looooong day. The alarm went off at 7:00 and by 8:00 we were standing in front of the rectorate waiting for the bus. Todays bus was even older and more beat up than yesterdays, but our driver seemed much more aware of what was going on. Our first stop was the Skoda Museum. It was fun to see all of the old cars, and watch a video about how they're made, from start to finish. We were all starving though, so when it was time to move on, we were ready. Oh yeah, it was raining again, all day.

The next stop was another castle. It wasn't the one we had originally intented on going to, because it was raining and the other required a 5k hike over rocks to get there. It was really fun to see all of the leaves turning in the forest surrounding the camera. After a tour inside of the castle, we spent some time wandering around the outside of the castle grounds. I'll try to find the name of the castle sometime later. The last stop was to a medieval pub. If any of you have heard about Medieval Times in the states, it's the european version of that, where anything goes. They had mock witch burnings, fire dancers and eaters, people dancing on the tables and sword fighting. We arrived there at 6:00 and stayed for five hours. Dinner was of course, served without silverware, and chicken bones were to be thrown on the ground. All in all, the whole thing was pretty convincing.

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